Wednesday, August 25

Photo challenge - Part 1

I love a good challenge. The Punk Rock Mom is taking photo classes and is asking her friends/followers to take the same assignments as her class in a photo challenge she is hosting. There will be a prize for the best entry which will be picked by her readers. See all the details here.

Challenge of the week : Perspective
My problem : I can't decide which photo to enter. What do you think ??


  1. I love the reflection in the horn! What a great pic! You should enter some more under the other themes cause I think all of your pix are wonderful!
    Thanks for entering and linking to the contest! You rock!
    Good luck!


  2. Oh wow .. I'm really that behind again :)
    Sorry !
    And thank you for featuring my picture!!!


I would love hearing from you. I read all comments and time permitting will respond to all.

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