Nothing too exciting to report this week on the work side of things. The week was busy, no time out, but the good kind of busy, not crazy. I wish it was always like this.
My hubby and I decided we needed to exercise more and after shopping around we found the right bikes. We've been taking a couple of rides this week with Bug in a trailer behind her Dad. She loves it ! We're not being too ambitious for now since I'm out of shape and we are just going to build up slowly to get to a proper exercise schedule. This morning we biked the long way to the local farmer's market, where we found some great fresh fruit. The trailer has a handy storage compartment where we were able to put the loot for the way home. I really need to make a little basket to hang on the handlebar though, just to have a drink handy when riding. Going on my to-do list for this week,
It was also Bug's last week of school.
I made some fabric flower clips, barrettes and brooches for everyone at school. It was a big hit

We had a meeting with the whole educational team to decide about her kindergarten placement. The final word is she will attend a regular school, a block away from home with additional support to help her catch up in the areas she is still behind. We are not 100% convinced this is the best solution for Bug considering her troubles staying focussed even for simple tasks but we will give this a shot. If things are not going well for Bug after the first 5-6 weeks of school, we will reconsider our options. One thing is certain: she will be very disappointed she won't get to ride the bus to school this year since we are less then a mile away. This will also make things more "interesting" for us, since it may also mean that we have to change daycare. The home daycare Bug has been going to since she was a baby may not be able to handle the drop off and pickup. I'm worried about all those changes throwing her out of balance.
The studio has been a bit deserted. I've been too busy enjoying the back deck before it gets too hot and steamy like Maryland summers can be. I did start working on the "Hungry Caterpillar" quilt unfortunately, I managed to misplace the USB cable for my camera so no new pictures just yet. Ooops. I asked the hubby to get me an extra cable in case it's really really lost. And it won't hurt to have a spare.
Yesterday Amie (
Kitty Cats and Airplanes) and I met again for shopping and crafting. We had a great time! We started with a little raid at the local Goodwill store followed by a quick stop at Hobby Lobby. We did really good until we checked the clearance section. Lots and lots of pretty beads. Looks like jewelry making will be on the crafting menu in the coming weeks. I actually made some earrings today. Same problem as the quilt pictures.. stuck in the camera until I find the cable or acquire a new one.
Back at my place, we decided for something out of our regular crafting routine: we painted on the theme of July 4th. We painted side by side with the same colors but came up with completely different interpretations. Can't wait to show the pictures (again, pesky cable issue).
What have you been up to ??