Our house was on the market for a grand total 4 days : Friday through Tuesday. 4 days!! Yikes we figured it would take a couple of weeks. Now we have to move out by August 3rd??!!?? PANIC! So much to do, so little time.
We had to scramble once again for the paperwork, inspections and moving arrangements. We are taking a short and well earned vacation and will be packing as soon as we return. Altogether it's not that bad: having found a short term lease, we will be camping in a small apartment while we shop for our new house. It'll be cramped but we are now able to wait out until the right house comes along and also to move out rapidly once we have found it.
Looks like blogging will take the back seat for a little bit longer... Sorry !
In the mean time, as promised, here are some photos of our soon to be ex-house we took for the listing:
Front of the house
Living/Dining room combo
Front hall and powder room
Bug's bedroom
Full bath
Master bathroom
Master bedroom
Guest bedroom
Oh I will miss you my beloved studio !!!
Back patio
Back of the house