Tuesday, November 23

Tootles, booboos and other considerations

I've had the craziest week. Between being on call for work (this implies serious sleep depravations), the fast approaching Christmas craft deadlines, and some home improvement put on hold that need to be finished, I'm afraid there was a bit more on my plate than I could really handle. The result: I got hurt.

Let's rewind to last Monday. First night on call, first night with very little sleep. The following 5 nights were more of the same. Thankfully, my boss is aware of the on-call hardships (he is on the rotation) so I was able to work from home rather than driving to work risking a car wreck. My hubby and I have also been trying to make some progress on little bug's new bedroom. And we have. The baseboards and quarter-round are installed, the closet overhaul is done: spackled, repainted new bifold doors installed (after some "custom fitting"), new shelves and hang bars. Left on the list for the finish: a few paint touch ups and a big scrub, curtains and sheers, a trip to Ikea for a bed, and the big move of course.

So this week on top of answering the emergency calls overnight, working on handmade gifts in my studio, I was helping out the hubby with the DIY stuff. My daughter also helped: She was handing the "tootles" (i.e. tools) to mommy and daddy. Mom and Dad know how to use tootles :). She is also getting very excited about moving into her new room soon and pushing for the finish. I almost forgot: we have the added pressure to complete in time to turn the nursery in an acceptable guest room by December 20th for my in-laws.

I should have steered clear of the kitchen but I didn't.  What happens when you are over-tired, distracted and use big sharp knives? Yep you guessed, you cut your finger instead of the bread. The cut was not deep enough to warrant a trip to the ER but it's a definite impairment and doing too much is preventing it from healing. No pictures but it's not pretty and I managed to cut trough the nail too - ugh! Poor little bug was right there and ran to daddy to tell him mommy had a big booboo. 

SOooo I have made a big decision: I'm taking a couple of days off the studio - not from blogging though. Besides, my faithful Pfaff is also in dire need of a break after all that sewing, so she is going to the Sew'N Vac shop today for a spa treatment. We will be reunited on Friday. In the meantime, I will concentrate on little bug's bedroom and tidying up the house/studio. Thanksgiving will be celebrated at Aunt Joan's so the house doesn't need to sparkle. Small favors. I'll stick to the basics: vacuum, mop, dust, de-clutter. Oh and yes SLEEP. Sleep will definitely be a big part of the long weekend.


  1. Oh les doigts, ca fait mal et cela prend du temps a guerir...hope you will have a fast recovery et repose toi bien pendant ton long week end!

  2. Tootles? How precious...

    Take it easy on the finger!!


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