Sunday, November 28

Christmas ornament giveaway - Winners 1 & 2

I hope everyone had a wonderful time for Thanksgiving. We are now in the home stretch for Christmas. 26 days left, can you believe it !?!? So time to get the ornaments from the attic and trim the tree. Here is my little contribution for 2 of my lovely readers:

Winner of the  green star/ Ruby Tree

 Morgane from Bear, Dolly and moi


Please email me your address so I can ship your gift 

Thank you to all that participated. Remember you get 2 more chances to win

1 comment:

  1. It is my first time winning...Je suis contente.
    je t'envoye mon adresse par email, merci!


I would love hearing from you. I read all comments and time permitting will respond to all.

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