Tuesday, February 15

Giveaway winners - Buttons set and sweetheart necklace

I actually have 3 winners to announce today 

First the winner of the button jewelry set made by Amie from Kittycats and Airplanes 

That is Tanya from Surviving Motherhood

Then the Sweetheart necklace, made by yours truly 

Please email me by Thursday 5PM EST to claim your gift 

Last winner is ahem
 me... I just won 5 Amy Butler patterns at Giggle Glitz and Glam .. YAY!


  1. That is so fun that you won!!

    Congratulations to all the winners, that's way cool!

  2. ooooh yay, I love that cute button set ty ty ... off to email you!


I would love hearing from you. I read all comments and time permitting will respond to all.

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