Saturday, July 31

Tutorial - From drab to fab

Since the beginning of the spring little bug has lost a couple of sun hats here and there. This morning the only one left was this one... a bit blah especially if you prefer pink and frilly.
This is how the hat got transformed today...

For the transformation i used: 
* 1 1/2 inch wide pink satin ribbon
* 1 1/2 inch wide pink organdy ribbon
* Some scraps of green satin lining fabric
* Coordinating thread

Stitch in zig zag about halfway through the ribbon and pull as you go until you have enough to form a flower
For the center of the flower I used a short piece of organdy ribbon that I shirred

For the leavess, cut the green lining fabric in the shape desired for leaves and look at this tutorial to finish the edges
Stitch the "twig side" of the leaves and pull to give some body

Stitch your ribbon flower starting from the center and wrapping it around itself then add the leaves
It looks a bit like a peony

And let your little bug strut her stuff

Trendy Crafter Button


  1. Thanks for the feedback ! It was fun and easy to make too

  2. I have this hat and I have never thought of doing this. Great way to recycle (or upcycle as I like to call it.) I love it and would love to see you post this at my linky party Upcycled Awesome!

  3. Thanks Robin!
    Just added my link. I actually do a lot of upcycling - One of my next posts will be about reusing old chair cushion - currently at the finishing touches stage.

  4. Very cute! What a great way to spruce up a regular old hat!

    Thanks for linking up at

  5. Thank you so much for linking up. I am having a Stash-Busting September party. Check the blog for details soon...

  6. How stinkin' cute! Thanks for linking up to Hoo's got talent!

  7. SoOoo CUTE! Sorry it took me so long to get over here to see it! Thanks for sharing your project at Anything Related! ~Bridgette

  8. Oh, that is great! I love the flower. It's so cute. The little girl is pretty cute, too!
    Thanks for joining my link party on Friday! I hope you can join again next week with another fun project!

  9. Thank you ladies for your sweet comments! The project only took an hour or so. Taking the pictures was the biggest challenge. It's hard to convince a 4-year old to stand still for more than 30 seconds.


    PS: the cute little girl is my daughter :)

  10. Cute idea! What a sweetie pie..4 was my favorite age. Mine (boys) are 6 and 7. Your blog tagline is great!! (so true)


I would love hearing from you. I read all comments and time permitting will respond to all.

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