Monday, November 28

MIA - Kinda

I have been MIA lately. Not because I was sick, in outer space or that there was nothing to show. None of that. I have been in Santa's workshop mode the past 2 weeks: dolls, scarves, table runner, headbands, barrettes, jewelry. I've been a busy bee, took a ton of pictures but I've had zero time to put posts together because I'm working against the clock! With most of my family in Europe I have to mail all my Christmas presents very soon. So far it looks like I'm going to make the deadline so please forgive the hiatus. There will be plenty to see very soon. And maybe a giveaway to celebrate almost 700 subscribers. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, I can't wait to see what you've been making, and a giveaway sounds splendid!


I would love hearing from you. I read all comments and time permitting will respond to all.

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