
Tuesday, December 14

The Candy Kitchen is OPEN

Twice a year (Christmas and Easter), my kitchen gets transformed into a chocolate factory. Chocolate galore ensues. Ganache, dipping chocolate, drizzles ... a complete overload. And that's not counting other seasonal goodies that involve yet more chocolate: Cookies, bark, chocolate Buche (Yule log). Every Christmas a couple hundred of chocolate truffles are fabricated and distributed to family, friends, neighbors and work colleagues. Flavor of the year : Grand Marnier. 


Be careful watching the following pictures
it could induce uncontrolled drooling, lip smacking 
and chocolate cravings

My beloved Artisan Mixer is busy all year but has been working overtime lately 

The ganache has cooled - time for some whipping action!

Oh so creamy and fluffy

Ready for the fridge

my friends Wilbur, Valrhona, Villars and Ghirardelli are called to action

Ready for the dipping

Ohh pretty gold cups

First batch ready - 75 little bites of heavenly sin
2 more batches to dip

You can now resume your normal activities


  1. What time shall I come over to taste test? DELICIOUS!

  2. Uuuuuuuuuuuum how can I upgrade myself to "friend?" ;)

  3. Oh Caroline ... you have lots please send some to me... more chocolate is not advisable... hmmm I want it
    I feel so happy if you peek into my world of craft

  4. Excuse me please, I have to make a chocolate run now :)


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