
Sunday, March 25

Trading posts - Paper piecing and sweet bunnies

 In good trading post fashion, we did tray something new and out of our comfort zone again. This time around we were joined by another fellow blogger, Morgane from Bear, Dolly and Moi, that graciously agreed to school us in the art of paper piecing. Both Amie and myself were a bit nervous but very excited to try out this technique. Morgane made it easy and fun. She brought a pattern selection and great tips/expertise for a successful first experience. 

Morgane adding embroidery details to a lovely paper pieced panda and supervising our efforts

Morgane demonstrating the technique and Amie attentively observing

Euuuhh I swear this mess will turn out good

See Amie proudly showing her completed bunny

Yay! We made it!

Not bad for a first time :)

Now I'm working on turning my bunny into a small Easter quilted wall hanging.


  1. Cute little bunnies! Great work Caroline!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a fabulous week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  2. So cute, well done on mastering a new skill!

  3. These are amazing! Great job!

  4. They turned out great--I have done paper piecing before, and for me--it was hard!!
    Good work!


  5. your bunnies turned out perfect, both of you were great students!
    The eggs and embroidery add a nice touch, it is will a fun wall quilt.
    Tu vas rire, je ne m'etais pas reconnue sur la photo!

  6. Oh I love those bunnies!!! That is so cute! xoxo- Rachel

  7. These are so pretty! The eggs and embroidery are lovely.

  8. Great job on your first attempt! I'm too scared to even try :)


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