
Wednesday, February 1

Cosy flannel pajamas

Bug often tags along in my craft store expeditions. I usually allow her to pick out a remnant piece for me. Lately she has been picking out flannel. I don't know about you but for me flannel = pajamas for the cold months. Bug of course picked some girly prints and it was a good experience for me to use a pair of her pants as a pattern for this project.

Bug is super happy with her girly pajamas and it shows right ?? 

Yep she really really likes them :) 

I guess should make some more since I have a few other Bug-picked flannels in my fabric stash ... after all it is the time of the year to be cosy and warm inside. Pajamas party coming up !!


  1. Flannel pajamas are the best. My Mom always makes my girls flannel pajamas - and above all other pajamas those are the ones the girls love to wear. In the fall the start asking if it is cold enough to wear them.

    Bug picked some really pretty fabric. Nice job Mom.

  2. I'm with Bug!!! I LOVE my flannel PJ's. These look great <3 Thanks so much for sharing such cozy goodness at the Kiss & Tell party over at I Gotta Create!

  3. Nothing better in Winter than snuggling up in flannel pjs! Very cute.

  4. I've been buying flannel pjs for my granddaughter. These are so pretty, too. Good job.

  5. Great job. I love it! Please consider sharing this with my readers over at
    Hugs, Kathy

  6. Your daughter is so cute in her special pj's! Not only is she warm and cozy, but you are making such sweet memories for her!

  7. Cute fabric and you've made gorgeous PJs with it!

  8. We love flannel and fleece pj's over here, too! ^^) Thanks for sharing. Have a lovely weekend!


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