
Sunday, February 13

What I've been up to - Weeks 5,6 & 7 and a Valentine roundup

As you know I took a little blog break to regroup after my FIL's diagnostic and his lengthy stay in the hospital. There was too much worry and stress to really think about something crafty. Thankfully, he is now resting home and recovering strength before starting a series of treatments.

During this time, 3 wonderful bloggers stepped up to keep my little blog alive. I call them my White Knights as they came to the rescue and also because White Knights are a gorgeous variety of orchid. 

Holly - 504 Main
Spring Chicks
Beverly - Flamingo Toes
Valentine's Shirt
Nike - Choose to Thrive
Captain Underpants and the Twirl Skirt
Thank you again ladies for holding the fort!

During these 3 weeks, only 2 finishes:  

And just because Valentine's day is tomorrow,  here is a round up of my Valentine's crafts for the year

Valentine Berry Wreath

Love Declaration
The Sweetheart Necklace

Hearts and Blooms Wreath

Have a great Valentine's day !!!


  1. I *love* your love buttons. Glad to hear you are back to blogging.

  2. je suis desolee d'apprendre pour ton beau-pere (en retard), j'espere que son retour a la maison est un bon signe, et que son traitement ne sera pas trop penible. Avez vous pu le voir?
    Evidement ce n'est pas l'endoit ideal pour emmener une petite fille, mais quand j'etais bebe je passais pas mal de temps avec ma grandmere a l'hopital et cela l'avait beaucoup aidee a survivre et vaincre son cancer.
    Si je peux t'aider, maintenant que nous sommes presque voisines(!) dis le moi. Bon courage.


I would love hearing from you. I read all comments and time permitting will respond to all.