
Saturday, December 11

Ruffles magic

Remember  this ? OK let me refresh your memory. A couple of weeks ago, I decided that since my sewing machine still had a few good years ahead, I was going to invest in a new attachment: a ruffler foot.  Yeah .. that beast:

It does look a bit mean and ready to pinch fingers!

I've been itching to play with it ever since then but there was just no time with some deadlines to be met to send gifts to my family in Europe. I was able to send all the presents this past Tuesday, then took a couple of days off crafting to straighten up the house, decorate and catch up on a few more things. Last night I thought I had the whole evening to play craft and sew. Not so. Got a call from work for an emergency job at 8:30 pm that kept me busy until almost 10:00 pm. Not much time left. 

SOooooo I decided to give the ruffler a quick spin. I swear I'm never going back to hand ruffling or machine ruffling without this baby. It is AWESOME. It only took a couple of tries and I was rocking it. Ruffle galore in 2 minutes flat. And for $15.

Then the brain went spinning and this is what I cam up with .... 

A little ruffled tree for my studio with a garland from a string of pearls
 and a couple of cute shinny buttons as ornaments 

It's not even glued yet, I pinned everything to have an idea of the effect. By then it was quite late so I went to bed and will finish it tonight.

Believe me, that ruffler marvel is going to be used regularly from now on.


All done ! 
The Christmas Tree of a self-admitted button hoarder


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  1. I want one!!! That's gotta be the coolest thing ever (next to that rockin tree that is.)

  2. Lovely tree =) I need a ruffle foot 2 =) Visiting from Tatertots and jello =)

  3. This is heavenly....LOVE it...

    Take care,

  4. Very pretty! I keep hearing about the ruffler attachment and I'm wishing I had that on my holiday list!

  5. Turned out cute!!

    Come enter my linky party as well as the current giveaways!!

  6. That turned out SOOOOOOOOO cute!

  7. Very pretty! It has such a nice vintage feel to it!

  8. OK, I need one of these attachments... that thing is awesome! Cute tree!

  9. what a beautiful tree I love it the flowing layers of ribbons

    I am a new follower of yours

  10. This is so gorgeous and classy. I love it! I also need a ruffler foot for my machine. Thanks for sharing!

    (I hopped over from the Crafty Soiree at Yesterday on Tuesday.)

  11. That ruffler foot looks a bit intimidating, but look at what you created with it. This tree is gorgeous and I really like the way you trimmed it with the pearls and buttons. So pretty!

  12. Hi Caroline, I love your ruffled tree, the pearls and other baubles look wonderful on it!

  13. Just dropping by to let you know that I linked to this post in a round up today from the Home & Garden channel at Craft Gossip. :) This will appear in the main Craft Gossip RSS feed, on the main home page and can be found directly here

    If you would like a "featured by" button, you can grab one here!


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