
Saturday, November 6

What I've been up to this week

This week has been marked by the realization there are only a few short weeks to go until Christmas. Yikes!! I'm usually more on top of things. The hubby and I have managed to put together our shopping list and assign shopping assignments (who gets to shop for who). On my list, on in addition to some of the conventional shopping : 2 tutus and a play tent for my nieces, some pillowcases for my sister, a few scarves, doll clothes and a couple more handmade gifts still brewing in my head, our traditional "One year in photos" family book, designing (nagging hubby for one week for his signature) and mailing the Xmas cards. Not to mention a few other home decoration projects... Deadline around December 15th. My head went spinning.

I cringed a bit and then I got started... 
- Got ahead on the household chores as much as possible to have all that out of of the way for this weekend
- Cleaned up the studio that was looking like it had been hit by a tornado
- Finished cutting and sewing of 2 pillows and pillowcases
- Whipped together few satin Christmas ornaments ... still perfecting the technique
- Fabric cut for the scarves

I also worked on tutorials for both those projects 
The tutorial for the herringbone pin tucks will be published by Jamie @ C.R.A.F.T. on Tuesday


  1. NICE!!! I am a follower from Week end Blog hop! Hope you can follow back

  2. tes decorations de Noel sont tres belles, pleines de couleurs et "shinny", sans l'etre trop!
    Je vois moi aussi approcher la date line pour les cadeaux de Noel, avec le transport!
    Vas tu en France pour les fetes?
    Je viens de recevoir le nouveau Marie Calire idee et il y a plein de truc de deco de Noel et nouvelles robes de poupee!

  3. Hi, I'm hopping around today hoping to get some more neighbors on my blog. I'm not very crafty, I rely on others to be because I love items hand made. If you get a chance, do drop in.

  4. You have just voted for Atelier Caroline!
    OOPS! Forgot to add that I got my vote in on the picket fence. Cheers!

  5. I am so proud of you!! I'm sorry if I made your anxiety worse yesterday, it certainly wasn't my intention. I really need to take some inspiration from you and get started. I will sit down with a cuppa and a notebook for some list making tomorrow. Xx

  6. I’ve been following your neat blog from Relax & Surf Sunday for a while now. My Facebook page “Inspire” has inspiring messages. Visit when you can!

  7. Just saw these on I {Heart} Naptime ... knew they had to be yours. Gorgeous!


I would love hearing from you. I read all comments and time permitting will respond to all.