
Monday, September 13

As promised - The first giveaway post

Again many, many thanks to all those that stop by and browse through my modest little blog. It means the world that you find these pages worthy of your time. Only 2 months and already too many people to fit in my living room, so I really can't invite you all over for a celebration but I can certainly show my appreciation with a few small handmade gifts.

Here are the goodies up for grabs : 

2 colorful pincushions

1 adult size turquoise headband

1 kid size ruffled headband - You get to pick the color : pink, green or yellow

And here are the rules: 
To enter just post a comment saying what you prefer about my blog and/or what suggestions you have for the future.
- 1 Entry per person
- You must be a Google Friend Connect Follower to enter 
- Please provide an email address if you cannot be reached via your blog profile
- The winners will be picked with among the qualifying entries

The giveaway is open until September 30th and I will announce the winners the following week. 


  1. Congratulations!! I definitely need a hair band.

  2. Hi there! This is my first visit to your blog through the blog hop, so I am now following you! I like your blog alot.. its very clean and neat and easy to scroll through!

    We have a few giveaways going on too if you are interested + a blog hop today that includes FB and Twitter too! Hope you will visit!

    Congrats on your giveaway, that is some really lovely stuff!

    info(at) justmarriedwithcoupons (dot) com

    Our site is

    Have a fantastic weekend!

  3. wowwwww...I like your nice..keep it up...wish u all the best...someone will be lucky to get your giveaway..but i don't need..thanks...

  4. I love giveaways, and I'm your newest follower. I love the black background you used for the photos, it really makes them pop!

    The date of your post September 30th really confused me though:)


  5. Hey Caroline, you know I love your blog! I love it when a new post pops up in my sidebar. I just like seeing what you come up with next! I have no suggestions, just keep doing what you are good at :-)

    I'm probably not eligible to enter the giveaway because of my location? But I wanted to share the love either way! xx

  6. Following you now from Sweet & Simple Saturday. Please follow my blog of inspirational messages. Now on Facebook and Twitter!

  7. New follower from Sweet & Simple Saturday! Hope you can stop by sometime!

  8. I just saw your blog and was checking out your honeycomb tucks. That's for the tutorial.

  9. Love your blog and the variety of projects. I'd love to see some fall-ish projects since it's my favorite season, but I feel like I've hit a craft wall.

    Oh, and the pincushions are adorable!

  10. Thank you for entering the giveaway

    @Nike : I finally got in the fall groove - A couple of projects are down the pipe and will be posted soon. I Actually posted today.
    I hope your crafting mojo comes back !

  11. Hello I am a new follower from the Saturday Blog Hop. I would love a follow back at

  12. What a fun giveaway, I just found you. Not even sure how I got here. Maybe a photo link?

  13. I'd love to be considered for your giveaway. I love seeing all the clothes for Princess Fiona! My daughter has several dolls that size, and pre-made clothes are so expensive! I love your ideas! Maybe you could go into a little more detail about how you design and piece them together?


I would love hearing from you. I read all comments and time permitting will respond to all.